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Endocrinologist Testosterone Therapy

endocrinologist testosterone therapy

An endocrinologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating hormone-related conditions. Endocrinologists can provide testosterone therapy or testosterone replacement therapy to men with low testosterone or hypogonadism symptoms.

What is Testosterone Therapy?

Testosterone therapy involves taking testosterone medication in various forms like pills, injections, gels, patches or pellets to increase low testosterone levels. It is also called testosterone replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy.

Testosterone is an essential sex hormone responsible for sex drive, muscle mass, bone density, mood, energy and other male characteristics. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline causing symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, low libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, depression and infertility.

Who Needs Testosterone Therapy?

Men with low total testosterone and symptoms of hypogonadism may benefit from testosterone treatment after evaluation by an endocrinologist.

Signs of low testosterone:

  • Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Weight gain and belly fat
  • Low energy, fatigue and mood changes
  • Hair loss and decrease in body hair
  • Reduced bone density, osteoporosis risk

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

Endocrinologists will review medical history and symptoms. They will order lab tests like total testosterone, free testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and sex hormone binding globulin.

A physical exam and blood work is done to rule out any underlying health conditions causing low testosterone like pituitary disorders, obesity or use of opioids.

Benefits of Testosterone Therapy

When properly monitored by an endocrinologist, testosterone therapy can provide benefits like:

  • Increased libido and sexual function
  • More energy, improved mood and wellbeing
  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Reduced body fat
  • Stronger bones, reduced osteoporosis risk
  • Increased motivation and confidence

Types of Testosterone Therapy

Endocrinologists may prescribe testosterone pills, injections, transdermal gels, patches or implanted pellets based on the patient’s needs and preferences.

Injections and pellets provide longer lasting testosterone levels compared to gels or patches that require daily application. Oral testosterone is not commonly prescribed due to potential liver damage.

Monitoring and Follow-Up

It is important to monitor testosterone levels, symptoms and side effects regularly under endocrinologist supervision. Follow up blood work is done to ensure testosterone levels are optimized.

Endocrinologists will monitor for potential side effects like prostate issues, enlarged breasts, acne and examine cardiovascular risk factors.

Lifestyle Changes

Endocrinologists will advise patients on lifestyle changes like diet, exercise and weight loss alongside testosterone therapy for best results.

Healthy nutrition and strength training helps gain lean muscle, lose fat and support healthy testosterone levels. Limiting alcohol and managing stress is also beneficial.

What are the risks associated with testosterone therapy that endocrinologists monitor for?

Some of the key risks and potential side effects of testosterone therapy that endocrinologists monitor include:

  • Prostate Issues – Testosterone therapy may increase the risk of enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and prostate cancer. Endocrinologists will screen for prostate cancer risk before starting therapy and monitor prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels.
  • Cardiovascular Risks – There are concerns testosterone therapy may increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular problems in some men. Endocrinologists will evaluate cardiovascular risk factors like high blood pressure before prescribing.
  • Sleep Apnea – Testosterone therapy could potentially worsen sleep apnea. Endocrinologists may recommend sleep studies in higher risk patients.
  • Polycythemia – Increased red blood cell production causing thicker blood. Blood donation may help manage this side effect.
  • Breast Enlargement – Testosterone can be converted into estrogen causing gynecomastia or male breast enlargement.
  • Acne and Hair Loss – Testosterone may cause or worsen acne and male pattern baldness.
  • Mood Changes – Some men report mood swings, aggressiveness or irritability on testosterone therapy.

Careful screening, dosing, monitoring blood levels and managing side effects under endocrinologist care can help minimize these risks.

How do endocrinologists manage the risks associated with testosterone therapy?

Here are some ways endocrinologists manage the risks and side effects associated with testosterone replacement therapy:

  • Careful Patient Selection – Endocrinologists thoroughly assess patients for prostate cancer risk, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea and other conditions that may be worsened by testosterone therapy.
  • Start Low, Go Slow – They prescribe the lowest effective dose of testosterone and slowly titrate based on symptoms and blood levels to minimize side effects.
  • Ongoing Monitoring – Testosterone levels, prostate health, hematocrit, cardiovascular markers and other labs are closely monitored. Frequency depends on the patient’s response and risk factors.
  • Dose Adjustments – Endocrinologists may lower testosterone doses or change delivery methods if side effects emerge or levels get too high.
  • Medications and Interventions – They may prescribe medications to manage side effects like enlarged prostate or polycythemia when needed.
  • Lifestyle Counseling – Endocrinologists provide diet and exercise guidance to help optimize treatment results and minimize cardiovascular risks.
  • Consider Drug Holidays – Temporary discontinuation of testosterone therapy may be warranted in some patients to allow the body to re-calibrate.
  • Follow Up Visits – Frequent follow up and open communication ensures side effects are addressed promptly through dose adjustments or discontinuation if necessary.

With careful management guided by an endocrinologist’s expertise, most patients can benefit from testosterone therapy with minimal risks.

What are some common side effects of testosterone therapy that endocrinologists monitor for?

Here are some common side effects of testosterone replacement therapy that endocrinologists monitor patients for:

  • Acne – Testosterone can increase oil production and worsen acne on the face, back or chest.
  • Male Pattern Baldness – Testosterone therapy may accelerate hair loss or male pattern baldness in predisposed individuals.
  • Breast Enlargement (Gynecomastia) – Testosterone converted to estrogen can cause breast tissue growth and tenderness.
  • Sleep Apnea – Testosterone may exacerbate sleep apnea in those already at risk. Endocrinologists may order sleep studies.
  • Prostate Growth – Testosterone can cause prostate enlargement and increase PSA levels. Endocrinologists monitor prostate exams and PSA.
  • Polycythemia – Increased red blood cell production thickening the blood. Monitoring hematocrit levels is important.
  • Cardiovascular Risks – Endocrinologists monitor for fluid retention, hypertension, or other effects that may increase heart attack/stroke risk.
  • Mood Changes – Some patients report increased irritability, aggression or mood swings on testosterone therapy.
  • Infertility – Testosterone therapy reduces sperm production and can cause infertility.

Endocrinologists routinely screen for these side effects, modify dosing if needed, and may prescribe additional medications to counteract issues like prostate enlargement that emerge.

Are there any long-term side effects of testosterone therapy that endocrinologists monitor for?

Yes, there are some potential long-term side effects of testosterone replacement therapy that endocrinologists monitor patients for:

  • Prostate Cancer Risk – Some studies suggest testosterone therapy may increase the risk of prostate cancer after several years, especially in older men. Endocrinologists monitor PSA levels and perform regular prostate exams.
  • Cardiovascular Effects – Ongoing monitoring of blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart function is important to detect potential cardiovascular complications that may emerge years later.
  • Liver Toxicity – Oral testosterone especially can increase the risk of liver damage over time. Liver enzymes are monitored with bloodwork.
  • Sleep Apnea – This may worsen gradually and screening is important in higher risk individuals.
  • Erythrocytosis – Increased red blood cell production tends to develop slowly over months. Hematocrit is monitored.
  • Infertility – Testosterone replacement reduces sperm production which can become a problem for those desiring children long-term.
  • Mood/Behavior Changes – Irritability, aggression and other behavioral effects may develop progressively.

Endocrinologists weigh the benefits against potential long-term risks when prescribing testosterone therapy. Careful monitoring and follow up care is crucial to detect any emerging side effects early.

FAQ on Endocrinologist Testosterone Therapy

What is testosterone therapy? 

Testosterone therapy, also called androgen replacement therapy, involves prescribing testosterone supplements to increase testosterone hormone levels in men who are deficient. This therapy is overseen by an endocrinology specialist.

Who is a candidate for hormone supplement therapy?

Men who display symptoms of andropause or low testosterone, also called testosterone deficiency or male menopause, may be candidates. Symptoms can include low energy, depressed mood, decreased libido, and other issues related to declining male hormone levels. 

How does testosterone therapy work?  

Supplemental testosterone is prescribed through gels, patches, injections or implants placed under the skin. This helps boost testosterone to normal male ranges and can improve energy, mood, libido and other symptoms caused by deficiency.

What kind of testing is involved?

A specialist physician will conduct hormone testing of the patient’s blood to determine testosterone and other hormone levels. This helps diagnose deficiency and establishes a baseline for the therapy. Periodic follow up testing monitors hormone levels and dosage adjustments.

What are the benefits of testosterone therapy?

When prescribed appropriately by an endocrinology specialist, testosterone supplementation therapy can significantly improve mood, boost energy levels, increase libido and sexual function in men with clinically low testosterone levels. The therapy aims to alleviate symptoms and help patients feel like their optimal selves again.


Endocrinologists specialize in diagnosing low testosterone and providing testosterone replacement therapy to help men restore strength, libido and vitality. Close monitoring and follow up is key to optimize benefits and minimize potential side effects.